Scientific publications from Section for Coastal Ecology

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20-11-A, B, C and D

Kumar, Rajnish

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


3rd EQAsia Matrix EQA on selective isolation of presumptive ESBL-, AmpC- and carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli from cultures mimicking meat samples - 2023

Al Mir, Hiba ; Kostyanev, Tomislav Simeonov ; Prathan, Rangsiya ; Johansson, Sarah Marvig ; Chanchaithong, Pattrarat ; Tosun, Elif Seyda ; Luangtongkum, Taradon ; Abegaz, Freshwork A. ; Guarnacci, Tobin ; Poudyal, Nimesh ; Rasmussen, Lone Brink ; Kwon, Soo-Young ; Chuanchuen, Rungtip ; Hendriksen, Rene S.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


710.11.A, 710.11.B

Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


7th EQAsia External Quality Assessment trial

Kostyanev, Tomislav Simeonov ; Al Mir, Hiba ; Prathan, Rangsiya ; Johansson, Sarah Marvig ; Chanchaithong, Pattrarat ; Tosun, Elif Seyda ; Luangtongkum, Taradon ; Abegaz, Freshwork A. ; Guarnacci, Tobin ; Poudyal, Nimesh ; Rasmussen, Lone Brink ; Kwon, Soo-Young ; Chuanchuen, Rungtip ; Hendriksen, Rene S.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Ålegræstransplantering og tangdyrkning som marine virkemidler: Potentialer, effekter og juridiske aspekter

Timmermann, Karen ; Mostovaya, Alina ; Barnewitz, Anders ; Erichsen, Anders ; Petersen, Anders H. ; Holbach, Andreas ; Bruhn, Annette ; Nielsen, Benjamin ; Taylor, Daniel ; Hansen, Flemming Thorbjørn ; Hansen, Frederik H. ; Christensen, Freja ; Anker, Helle Tegner ; Christensen, Jesper ; Holding, Johnna ; Baaner, Lasse ; Hermannsen, Line ; Callisen, Lærke W. ; Nielsen, Mette Møller ; Gommesen, Mia ; Lees, Mikkel K. ; Flindt, Mogens R. ; Holst, Niels ; Canal-Vergés, Paula ; Schmedes, Peter Søndergaard ; Kjær, Rasmus A. ; Steinfurth, Rune C. H. ; Stæhr, Sanjina Upadhyay ; Pedersen, Sidsel Gurholt ; Vinbæk, Sidsel Juul ; Gyldenkerne, Steen ; Andersen, Søren Stig ; Boderskov, Teis ; Jørgensen, Thor S. ; Banke, Timi L. ; Andersen, Trine A. ; Larsen, Trine C.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


A modifiable and optimized structural system for circular use of buildings made of precast concrete

Vestergaard, Sara Sofie
Report name: A modifiable and optimized structural system for circular use of buildings made of precast concrete, pages: 165-167

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Analyzing the impact of variability of wind and solar generation on planning energy infrastructure

Koivisto, Matti ; Sørensen, Poul ; Hahmann, Andrea
Report name: Analyzing the impact of variability of wind and solar generation on planning energy infrastructure, (ISBN: 978-87-87335-73-7), pages: 24-31

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2023

Lassen, Brian ; Müller, Luise (Editor) ; Petersen, Channie Kahl (Editor) ; Sandø, Gudrun (Editor)

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Auctions for the future

Kitzing, Lena
Report name: Auctions for the future, (ISBN: 978-87-87335-73-7), pages: 38-43

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Benchmark workshop on sandeel (ammodytes spp.) (Outputs from 2022 and 2023 meetings) (WKSANDEEL)

Bartolino, Valerio ; Bekkevold, Dorte ; Brazier, Aaron ; Brooks, Mollie Elizabeth ; Davies, Julie Olivia ; van Deurs, Mikael ; Dingsør, Gjert Endre ; Egan, Afra ; Håkansson, Kirsten Birch ; Henriksen, Ole ; Hinchcliffe, James ; Hintzen, Niels ; Hüssy, Karin ; Huwer, Bastian ; Jacobsen, Nis Sand ; Johnsen, Espen ; Kiær, Christian Mathias Rohde ; Kvamme, Cecilie ; Juul Larsen, Jesper ; Lund, Henrik S. ; Jimenez-Mena, Belen ; Mosegaard, Henrik ; Olesen, Hans Jakob ; Pedersen, Søren Anker ; Regnier, Thomas ; Rindorf, Anna ; Schuchert, Pia ; Schueller, Amy ; Sparrevohn, Claus Reedtz ; Steadman, Daniel ; Viksåland, Helge ; Walker, Nicola ; Walmsley, Suzannah ; Berg, Casper Willestofte ; Wilson, Ashley

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Best practice for boulder reef restoration

Dahl, Karsten ; Stæhr, Peter A. ; Göke, Cordula ; Svendsen, Jon Christian ; Steinfurth, Rune Christian Husted ; Bramming Jørgensen, Torben

Type: Report

Status: Accepted/In press     |    Year: 2024



Fraisse, Anthony

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Fraisse, Anthony

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


BIOMET - Biofiltre til reduktion af metan fra gyllebeholdere og kvægstalde

Falk, Julie Maria ; Kjeldsen, Peter ; Buck, Christian ; Hvidt, Peter Frimodt ; Grønborg, Stine ; Holm, Michael ; Bjerg, Bjarne Schmidt ; Scheutz, Charlotte

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Bringing Demand-side Flexibility to Ancillary Service Markets

Gade, Peter Alexander Vistar

Type: Report

Status: Accepted/In press     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Building a national solar PV manufacturing industry in Indonesia

Nygaard, Ivan ; Hansen, Ulrich Elmer ; Kadarusman, Yohanes B.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Building platforms to scale the circular economy in the construction sector

Köhler, Julia
Report name: Building platforms to scale the circular economy in the construction sector, pages: 61-62

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


BX0610UB - HNW series

Rojas, Mariana

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Circular construction platforms (CircOp) – preliminary findings from four case studies

Thuesen, Christian ; Köhler, Julia
Report name: Circular construction platforms (CircOp) – preliminary findings from four case studies, pages: 63-67

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Voll, Corinna Nathalie

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Continued education and capacity-building

Clausen, Niels-Erik ; Lio, Alan Wai Hou ; Göçmen, Tuhfe ; Larsén, Xiaoli Guo ; Sarlak, Hamid
Report name: Continued education and capacity-building, (ISBN: 978-87-87335-73-7), pages: 82-93

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Contracts-for-difference to support renewable energy technologies

Kitzing, Lena ; Held, Anne ; Gephart, Malte ; Wagner, Fabian ; Anatolitis, Vasilios ; Klessmann, Corinna

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:



Kumar, Rajnish

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Kumar, Rajnish

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Kumar, Rajnish

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Kumar, Rajnish

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Kumar, Rajnish

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Definition of the IEA Wind 22-Megawatt Offshore Reference Wind Turbine

Zahle, Frederik ; Barlas, Athanasios ; Lønbæk, Kenneth ; Bortolotti, Pietro ; Zalkind, Daniel ; Wang, Lu ; Labuschagne, Casper ; Sethuraman, Latha ; Barter, Garrett

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Design of The Rooftops Experiment

Bechmann, Andreas ; Forsting, Alexander Meyer ; Westergaard, Carsten ; Bak, Christian ; Gaunaa, Mac ; Troldborg, Niels

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Development and application of wind resource assessment tools

Badger, Jake ; Pereira, Alexandr ; Hansen, Brian O.
Report name: Development and application of wind resource assessment tools, (ISBN: 978-87-87335-73-7), pages: 14-23

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Digitalt hjælpearbejde – fordringer og udfordringer i borgernes adgang til velfærd

Papazu, Irina ; Pors, Anja ; Skaarup, Søren ; Winthereik, Brit Ross

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Driving toward circular business models

Assmann, Ingvild Reine
Report name: Driving toward circular business models, pages: 73-76

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Dyrkning af sukkertang som marint virkemiddel i Danmark

Bruhn, Annette ; Boderskov, Teis ; Nielsen, Mette Møller ; Schmedes, Peter Søndergaard

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Enabling reuse of structural components through documentation of quality

Ottosen, Lisbeth M. ; Gustafsson , Karoline Fogh
Report name: Enabling reuse of structural components through documentation of quality, pages: 153-155

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


En guide til hajer og rokker i danske og tilstødende farvande

Schiønning, Mette K. ; Kroner, Anne-Mette ; Thomsen, Jan Werner ; Carl, Henrik ; Møller, Peter Rask ; Mildenberger, Tobias K.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Environmental exposures in health facilities

Toftum, Jørn ; Sode Vest, Andreas ; Mahdi-Waldorff, Anders ; Muronzie, Thabani ; Luchters, Stanley ; Parker, Craig ; Lekabe, Otsile ; Roos, Nathalie ; ,

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Evaluating mitigation strategies against absolute sustainability targets

Sørensen, Lise Hvid Horup
Report name: Evaluating mitigation strategies against absolute sustainability targets, pages: 47-49

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Extending the use of supplementary cementitious materials in concrete

Ranger, Maxime
Report name: Extending the use of supplementary cementitious materials in concrete, pages: 157-159

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Fatigue R=0.1 SP-RP-1000681 Shell Laminate Panel

Dubary, Nicolas

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Fatigue R=0.1 SP-RP-1000682 Shell Laminate Panel

Kumar, Rajnish

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Fatigue R=0.1 SP-RP-1000683 Shell Laminate Panel

Kumar, Rajnish

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Fisk, bundfauna og alger på de nye stenrev i Roskilde Fjord

Dahl, Karsten ; Buur, Helle ; Göke, Cordula ; Andersen, Lars Emil J. ; Moltesen, Maria ; Svendsen, Jon C.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Forhold af betydning for naturgenopretning af stenrev

Stæhr, Peter A. U. ; Canal-Vergés, Paula ; Dahl, Karsten ; Göke, Cordula ; Holbach, Andreas Michael ; Krause-Jensen, Dorte ; Steinfurth, Rune C. H. ; Svendsen, Jon C. ; Jørgensen, Torben B.

Type: Report (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Frigivelse af næringsstoffer pga. menneskeskabt fysisk forstyrrelse og suspension af havbundssedimenter. Et litteraturstudie med fokus på danske farvande

Timmermann, Karen ; Christensen, Jesper Philip Aagaard ; Lønborg, Christian ; Devantier, Cecilie ; Markager, Svend ; Chr Erichsen, Anders ; Flindt, Mogens

Type: Report

Status: Accepted/In press     |    Year: 2024


Frigivelse af næringsstoffer pga. menneskeskabt fysisk forstyrrelse og suspension af havbundssedimenter. Et studie med fokus på danske farvande

Timmermann, Karen ; Christensen, Jesper ; Devantier, Cecilie ; Lønborg, Christian ; Markager, Stiig ; Erichsen, Anders ; Flindt, Mogens

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Governance of wind-energy expansions: advising between good planning practices, impact assessments and social dynamics

Rudolph, David ; Lyhne, Ivar ; Cronin, Tom ; Clausen, Niels-Erik
Report name: Governance of wind-energy expansions: advising between good planning practices, impact assessments and social dynamics, (ISBN: 978-87-87335-73-7), pages: 44-52

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


HAWC2 v13.1 and HAWCStab2 v2.16 Comparison

Verelst, David Robert ; Pirrung, Georg ; Riva, Riccardo

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:



Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


HNW01 - Static 0°

Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


HNW01 - Static 0°

Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


HNW03 - Fatigue R=0.1

Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


HNX03 - Fatigue R=0.1

Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


HNX04 - Static 0°

Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


HNY01 - Static 0°

Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


HNY01 - Static 0°

Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


HNY02 - Fatigue R=0.1

Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Høje Taastrup Pit Thermal Energy Storage

Sifnaios, Ioannis ; Jensen, Adam Rasmus ; Furbo, Simon

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


IEA Wind TCP Task 55: The IEA Wind 740-10-MW Reference Offshore Wind Plants

Kainz, Samuel ; Quick, Julian Antony ; Souza de Alencar, Mauricio ; Moreno, Sebastian Sanchez Perez ; Dykes, Katherine Louise ; Bay, Christopher ; Zaaijer, Michiel B. ; Bortolotti, Pietro

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Impact of mass deployment of V2X in energy markets and services

Marentič, Tim ; Zajc, Matej ; Mendek, Igor ; Anžur, Klara ; Jug, Matjaž ; Fajgelj, Matej ; Kos, Anton ; Smole, Andreja ; Jarc , Rok ; Malenšek, Matej ; Guzman, Cindy P. ; Smpoukis, Konstantinos ; Zepter, Jan Martin

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


International energy technology cooperation: providing best practices and knowledge for the energy transition

Slijepcevic, Emin ; Wettergren, Dennis Kønicke M ; Martí, Ignacio ; Jørgensen, Birte Holst
Report name: International energy technology cooperation: providing best practices and knowledge for the energy transition, (ISBN: 978-87-87335-73-7), pages: 100-109

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


JP 102, 103 and 104

Kumar, Rajnish

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Dubary, Nicolas

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


L1210UB - HNX series

Rojas, Mariana

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Lessons learned from 40 years of scientific advice on wind energy to emerging economies

Hansen, Jens Carsten ; Mortensen, Niels Gylling ; Nørgård, Per
Report name: Lessons learned from 40 years of scientific advice on wind energy to emerging economies, (ISBN: 978-87-87335-73-7), pages: 54-67

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Madeira Large-scale replication action plan

Martins, Rui Miguel F. ; Correia, Henrique Pinto ; Vasconcelos, Diogo ; Zepter, Jan Martin ; Marinelli, Mattia

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Maximizing the reuse of wood in construction

Larsen, Olga Popovic ; Ottosen, Lisbeth M. ; Browne, Xan
Report name: Maximizing the reuse of wood in construction, pages: 133-135

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Methane Cracking for Carbon Production

Abrahams, S. R. ; Birken, P. ; Blyth, M. ; Chatterjee, R. D. ; Ellis, M. A. ; Murphy, S. ; Pacheco, D.R.Q. ; Shirley, M. D. ; Sørensen, Mads Peter

Type: Report (Peer reviewed)

Status: Accepted/In press     |    Year: 2024


Mode I fracture of AS-200, HS-200, GX-120, GX-60

Toftegaard, Helmuth

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Offshore energy hubs

Cutululis, Nicolaos A. ; Østergaard, Jacob ; Müller, Daniel ; Damgaard, Anders
Report name: Offshore energy hubs, (ISBN: 978-87-87335-73-7), pages: 32-37

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Optimal management of V2X in parking lots

Engelhardt, Jan ; Malkova, Anna ; Cao, Xihai ; Zunino, Pietro ; Zepter, Jan Martin ; Ziras, Haris ; Marinelli, Mattia ; Baldursson, Benedikt ; Hach, Maria ; Amezquita, Herbert ; Morais, Hugo ; Guzman, Cindy P.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Plastic in raw wastewater in Greenland

Jensen, Pernille Erland ; Salame, Hadi ; Simon, Marta ; Fritt-Rasmussen, Janne ; Strand, Jakob ; Bach, Lis

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Policy Brief

Veronesi, Marcella ; Drews, Martin

Type: Report (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Providing tools and analysis for RE integration in emerging economics

Müller, Daniel ; Weckesser, Tilman ; Bindner, Henrik ; Jóhannsson, Hjörtur
Report name: Providing tools and analysis for RE integration in emerging economics, (ISBN: 978-87-87335-73-7), pages: 68-73

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:



Dubary, Nicolas

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Quantifying or qualifying the circular economy?

Gottlieb, Stefan Christoffer ; Frederiksen, Nicolaj ; Sørensen, Lise Hvid Horup ; Kjerulf, Lin Engholm ; Secher, Andreas Qvist ; de Gier, Andreas
Report name: Quantifying or qualifying the circular economy?, pages: 33-35

Type: Report chapter

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Fraisse, Anthony

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Fraisse, Anthony

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Fraisse, Anthony

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Dubary, Nicolas

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Dubary, Nicolas

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Risk Landscape of Today

Markert, Frank ; Holmvaag, Ole Anders ; Johansson, Nils

Type: Report

Status: Accepted/In press     |    Year: 2024



Fraisse, Anthony

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Fraisse, Anthony

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Fraisse, Anthony

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024



Hamers, Tristan W.

Type: Report

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024
27 JULY 2024