Torbjørn Ølshøj Jensen | Specialist | DTU Biosustain | 40 57 39 47 |  |
Christina Johanna Lenhard | Laboratory Technician | DTU Biosustain | 25 53 88 26 |  |
Jay Keasling | Scientific Director | DTU Biosustain | |  |
Ruben Vazquez Uribe | Co-Principal Investigator of the Bacterial Synthetic Biology Section | DTU Biosustain | 93 51 15 57 |  |
Etem Cukadaroglu | Operative procurement, goods receptionist | DTU Biosustain | 93 51 02 95 |  |
Lise-Lotte Christensen | Laboratory Technician | DTU Biosustain | 25 78 36 04 |  |
Priyanka Singh | Seniorforsker | DTU Biosustain | 93 51 18 24 |  |
Gabriel Szima | Facility Manager | DTU Biosustain | 60 66 45 45 |  |
Daniel Christoph Volke | CO-PI and Senior Researcher, SEM group | DTU Biosustain | 93 51 19 87 |  |
Saranya Nallapareddy | PhD Student | DTU Biosustain | 50 13 31 22 |  |